NEW: Dive into the Roman Empire with our new “Caesar” theme, starting December 19!

City of History

Legal notice

Site published by the company AMACLIO PRODUCTIONS

French SAS company with a capital of 2 834 920,00 €.

Registration number: 829 087 121 R.C.S. Paris

Intra-community VAT number: FR 829087121

Licenses of entertainment contractor: L-R-20-003048 / L-R-20-005336

Data processing declaration number to the CNIL: 1846961 v 0

Head office

86 boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris / France

E-mail address :

Telephone number: +33 1 47 57 57 27

Person in charge of the publication

François Nicolas

Website hoster: OOEO, 16 rue Grange Dame Rose, 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay FRANCE

Website creation: OOEO Agency

In accordance with the provisions of article 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you.

To exert it, address to : AMACLIO PRODUCTIONS - 86 boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris.